
In this section...

Watch the videos below to learn more about defence science innovation at DSTG: past, present and future.

You'll find more DSTG videos at the DSTG YouTube channel.

Video list

Yarlini Amirthanesan with several automomous vehicles.
Autonomous systems

Yarlini Amirthanesan and Thomas Stevens show how DST is using autonomous vehicles to create survivable communication networks.

Angus Thomson with vetronic equipment.
Air, land and sea vehicles

Land System’s Engineer Angus Thomson discusses how DST is enabling future Australian Defence Force (ADF) land vehicles to be more capable and adaptable.

Preview of the Target Jindivik video.
Autonomous systems
This Bureau of Naval Weapons Technical Film Report offers a slice of DST Group history. The video was produced by US Naval Missile Center, Point Mugu, California.
