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Call for papers: frequently asked questions

What is the paper selection process?

All the papers will be reviewed by two independent subject matter experts with a view to determine:

  • How closely does the work presented fit with the conference theme “Integrating the Future Land Force”?
  • How original or innovative are the key ideas presented in the paper to the relevant field?
  • Is the work scientifically and/or technologically sound? Are claims supported by suitable scientific evidence?
  • Is the paper well-structured and does it make a clear argument for key points?

If an author's submission is successful, what is the process of advising the author and what is required to be submitted after that?

The author(s) will be notified by the head of the paper Review Committee whether the submission has been either accepted for an oral presentation, or as a poster presentation, or not accepted at all. If the paper has been accepted the author(s) will be asked to address the referees’ comments, if any, and resubmit the extended abstract for the CD proceedings. Full papers are not required. Only the extended abstract will be published in the proceedings. The template for both the final extended abstract and the specification for the poster will be provided to the relevant authors.

How long is the oral presentation?

Approximately twenty minutes.

Will the speakers need to register and pay registration fees?

Yes. Anyone who attends the conference needs to register and pay the registration fees. The accepted extended abstract of only those authors who register will be published in the proceedings.

Will unsuccessful papers be able to present a poster or just those who have requested a poster presentation?

The review committee decides whether a submission is suitable for an oral presentation or poster and will advise the authors accordingly. Unaccepted papers cannot be presented as posters.