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Small arms fire warning capability

Australian Defence Force (ADF) helicopters in the Middle East often come under ground fire from small arms.

Electronic warfare systems integration

DST Group is investigating electronic technologies, system designs and data processing techniques for locating enemy radar and communications emitters with networks of electromagnetic emission sensors.

DST Group at the Cutting Edge of Maritime Security

Hero Image: 
Senator the Hon David Feeney (left) with Deputy Chief Defence Scientist Dr Warren Harch (right) meeting to discuss Maritime Security and other areas of Defence and national security.
Senator the Hon David Feeney (left) with Deputy Chief Defence Scientist Dr Warren Harch (right)
The Adelaide laboratory of the DSTO continues to play an essential role in maritime research for the future security of Australia.

ALR-2002 Radar Warning Receiver

Developed in 1992, the ALR-2002 Radar Warning Receiver was the first such complex receiver to be designed and built in Australia.


Starlight is a unique, world-first system that allows users of secure computers to access insecure networks, such as the Internet, without compromising their own security.


Synthetic Aperture Radar is advanced technology that allows a radar system with a conventional antenna to collect photo-like imagery at more than 500 times the resolution of normal radars – day or night and in all weathers.

Wet electrophotographic process

Introduced in 1959, the automatic Xerox copier brought about a revolution in business and industrial communications.
