Event | Defence Human Sciences Symposium 2021

The Defence Human Sciences Symposium (DHSS) is the principal Australian forum for those interested in the application of human sciences research to enhance Defence capability. DHSS 2021 was co-hosted by Victoria University and the Department of Defence between 29 November – 01 December as a virtual event.
The theme for DHSS 2021 is 'Human Performance Leading the Way'. The Defence Strategic Update 2020 and the Defence Science and Technology Strategy 2030 both highlight the fundamental role of Defence’s people as individuals, in small teams, and interacting with technology and information, in contributing to a strong, more capable, and effective Defence enterprise. Human performance research is essential to ensure that the Australian Defence Force is able to meet the challenges of the future operating environment. This will likely require academia, industry and DSTG working with the Australian Defence Force, National Security, other government agencies and overseas partners. DHSS 2021 will provide a forum for delegates from academia, industry and defence to showcase human performance research that has the potential to contribute to Defence outcomes.
The DHSS 2021 program will be held over three days and will include a diverse range of speakers. DHSS will be held in conjunction with the Human Performance Research Network (HPRnet), which will be held following DHSS on 02 and 03 December.
The full program is now available.
Defence Operational Domains
- Maritime
- Land
- Air
- Information and Cyber
- Space
Defence Focus Areas
- Enhanced human performance
- Future Technologies
- Human Biotechnology
- Autonomous Systems
- Individual and Team Performance
- Training & Education
- Support to Operations
- Health, Wellbeing and Resilience
- Operating in Contested Environments (including information, cyber, and CBRN)
Human Performance
- Anthropometry & Biomechanics
- Cognitive enhancement and augmentation
- Cognition (perception to decision making)
- Food and Nutrition
- Physical Augmentation (assistive technology)
- Physiology
- Ethics
- Measurement and Metrics
- Modelling and Simulation
- Multidisciplinary Research
- Tools and Techniques
- Human Sciences Research during the COVID-19 pandemic
Human Systems Analysis
- Ergonomics & Human Systems Engineering
- Human Systems Integration
Organisational Effectiveness
- Health and Safety
- Organisational Culture
- Personnel Selection and Retention
If you have any questions about DHSS 2021 abstract submissions, please email QUFF@qfg.qrsrapr.tbi.nh. For queries about the HPRnet Symposium please contact Lisa Headley on yvfn.urnqyrl@qfg.qrsrapr.tbi.nh
Organising Committee
Name | Phone number | Affiliation | Email address |
Dr David Crone | +61 8 7389 3246 | Land Division, DSTG | qnivq.pebar@qfg.qrsrapr.tbi.nh |
Professor David Bishop | +61 3 9919 9471 | Victoria University | Qnivq.ovfubc@ih.rqh.nh |
Dr Chris Best | +61 3 9626 7252 | Aerospace Division, DSTG | puevfgbcure.orfg@qfg.qrsrapr.tbi.nh |
Dr Sam Huf | +61 8 9553 3571 | Maritime Division, DSTG | fnzhry.uhs@qfg.qrsrapr.tbi.nh |
Dr Steven Talbot | +61 8 7389 4242 | Joint & Operations Analysis Division, DSTG | fgrira.gnyobg@qfg.qrsrapr.tbi.nh |
Dr Susan Cockshell | +61 8 7389 5683 | Weapons and Combat Systems Division, DSTG | fhfna.pbpxfuryy@qfg.qrsrapr.tbi.nh |
Ms Lisa Headley (HPRnet POC) | +61 400 505 549 | HPRnet | yvfn.urnqyrl@qfg.qrsrapr.tbi.nh |