About DSTG
DSTG is the Australian government's lead agency responsible for applying science and technology to safeguard Australia and its national interests.
As one of Australia’s largest employers of scientists and engineers, we deliver expert, impartial advice and innovative solutions for Defence and national security.
Our vision is to be a world leader in Defence science and technology – indispensable in transforming the Australian Defence Force and Australia’s national security.
Headed by the Chief Defence Scientist, we employ approximately 2200 staff, predominantly scientists, engineers, IT specialists and technicians. We have a presence in nearly every state and territory in Australia. Our national headquarters is in Canberra, and we have research facilities in Melbourne, Edinburgh, Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney, HMAS Stirling at Rockingham (near Perth), Scottsdale in Tasmania, and Innisfail in northern Queensland.
We work closely with industry, universities and the scientific community to enhance our combined ability to support Australia’s defence and national security capabilities and to contribute to national wealth.
DSTG operates within the governance framework of the Department of Defence.
For more information, see our page on Our leadership.