Our leadership
DSTG is part of the Department of Defence.
Chief Defence Scientist
The Chief Defence Scientist is the head of DSTG and is the executive accountable to the Minister for Defence through the Secretary of the Department of Defence for delivering the science and technology (S&T) program of the Defence portfolio. In delivering this program, the Chief Defence Scientist is responsive to the priorities of the Secretary of Defence, Chief of the Defence Force, Service Chiefs and other Group Heads within the Department.
DSTG Leadership Team
The DSTG Leadership Team (DLT) is the primary executive management body in DSTG.
The role of the DLT is to determine matters and to make recommendations to the Chief Defence Scientist regarding the direction and operations of DSTG. The DLT, individually and as a team, support the Chief Defence Scientist to lead, direct, coordinate and control the operations and performance of DST Group.
The DLT comprises the Chief Defence Scientist, three Chiefs of Corporate Divisions, and the seven Chiefs of Research Divisions. DLT is chaired by the Chief Defence Scientist. The Chiefs report directly to the Chief Defence Scientist.
Members of the DST leadership team