Event | Defence Human Sciences Symposium 2023

The Defence Human Sciences Symposium (DHSS) is the principal Australian forum for those interested in the application of human sciences research to enhance Defence capability. DHSS 2023 was co-hosted by Queensland University of Technology and the Department of Defence in partnership with Deakin Events Management. It was held from 05-06 December at QUT's Gardens Point Campus.
The theme for DHSS 2023 was “Research in action: From the lab to the battlefield”. Defence’s Science and Technology Strategy 2030 and the Defence Strategic Review 2023 highlight the importance of delivering impact and a capability edge through innovation. Great ideas will be transformed into innovative solutions, through national and international partnerships between Defence, academia, and industry. DHSS 2023 provided a forum for delegates from academia, industry, and Defence to showcase human sciences, health and performance research and how its impact on Defence capability can be accelerated.
Submission requirements
The review committee considered submissions describing theoretical and applied research, as well as discussion papers, and papers describing work-in-progress. All Defence co-authored submissions should be classified no higher than OFFICIAL, Public Release.
The focus for DHSS was applied human sciences research with the potential to enhance Defence capability. Abstracts were evaluated on their Defence relevance and practical implications as well as their overall quality. That is, based on the study findings (or anticipated findings), why should this research be of interest to Defence, and what might Defence change or do differently? Abstracts that fail to articulate Defence relevance and practical implications were unlikely to be accepted.
Preliminary program
The DHSS 2023 program was held over two days and included a diverse range of speakers. DHSS was part of Human Performance Week, which also included the Human Performance Research network (HPRnet) Symposium.
For further information, visit the HPRnet symposium page.
DHSS was a face to face event and attendees were required to comply with any relevant State, Federal, and venue COVID-19 restrictions and requirements.
Defence Operational Domains
- Space
- Information and Cyber
- Maritime
- Land
- Air
Defence Focus Areas
- Enhanced human performance
- Future Technologies
- Human Biotechnology
- Autonomous Systems
- Individual and Team Performance
- Training & Education
- Support to Operations
- Health, Wellbeing and Resilience
- Operating in Contested Environments (including information, cyber, and CBRN)
Human Performance
- Anthropometry & Biomechanics
- Cognitive enhancement and augmentation
- Cognition (perception to decision making)
- Food and Nutrition
- Physical Augmentation (assistive technology)
- Physiology
- Ethics
- Measurement and Metrics
- Modelling and Simulation
- Multidisciplinary Research
- Tools and Techniques
- Human Sciences Research during the COVID-19 pandemic
Human Systems Analysis
- Ergonomics & Human Systems Engineering
- Human Systems Integration
Organisational Effectiveness
- Health and Safety
- Organisational Culture
- Personnel Selection and Retention
Registration cost was AUD$300 or AUD$150 for students (face-to-face attendance). Online only registration cost was AUD$200.
If you have any questions about DHSS 2023 abstract submissions or future events, please email QFGT.QUFF@qrsrapr.tbi.nh or contact a member of the organising committee, listed below.
DHSS Organising Committee
Name | Phone Number | Affiliation | |
Dr David Crone | 08 7389 3246 | Department of Defence | qnivq.pebar@qrsrapr.tbi.nh |
Dr Susannah Whitney | 08 8393 4841 | Department of Defence | fhfnaanu.juvgarl@qrsrapr.tbi.nh |
Dr Denise Linnane | 03 9344 2380 | Department of Defence | qravfr.yvaanar@qrsrapr.tbi.nh |
Dr Martin Stebbing | 03 8534 7235 | Department of Defence | znegva.fgroovat@qrsrapr.tbi.nh |
Dr Jackson Duncan-Reid | Department of Defence | wnpxfba.qhapna-ervq@qrsrapr.tbi.nh | |
Ms Lisa Headley | 03 9344 3318 | Department of Defence | yvfn.urnqyrl@qrsrapr.tbi.nh |
DHSS Advisory Board
Name | Affiliation |
Dr Nick Beagley | Department of Defence |
A/Professor Tony Parker | QUT |
Dr David Crone | Department of Defence |
Dr Chris Best | Department of Defence |
Dr Susan Cockshell | Department of Defence |
Dr Stephanie Chen | Department of Defence |
Dr Mark Jaffrey | Department of Defence |
Dr Steven Talbot | Department of Defence |
Ms Jodi Morgan | Deakin University Events Management |