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Assistant Minister for Defence briefed on science support for national security

28 November 2013
Media Release
Assistant Minister for Defence Hon. Stuart Robert MP
Assistant Minister for Defence Hon. Stuart Robert MP

The Assistant Minister for Defence, Stuart Robert MP, was today briefed on critical projects supporting defence and national security during his visit to the Canberra headquarters of the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO).

Mr Robert has portfolio responsibility for DSTO and his visit served to familiarise him on critical areas in which DSTO operates, including national security, cyber security and international cooperation programs.

“DSTO is leading the development of a strategic policy that aims to strengthen the coordination of Australia's science and technology efforts in addressing national security challenges,” Mr Robert said.

DSTO has whole-of-government responsibility for co-ordinating Australia’s research efforts in national security.

“Science and technology play a vital role in meeting the national security priorities of the Government and the science community has to work collaboratively with government agencies to develop a policy framework and deliver solutions against constantly emerging threats,” Mr Robert said. 

Mr Robert commended DSTO on organising the inaugural National Security Science and Technology Workshop to begin setting the agenda for policy development and planning aimed at anticipating and countering the wide range of national security threats.

“I look forward to the outcomes of this workshop and the blueprint for the science and technology policy in support of national security,” Mr Robert said.


Office of the Assistant Minister for Defence

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