Fulbright Distinguished Chair 2015-16: call for applications
DSTO is looking for an outstanding United States researcher for the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Advanced Science and Technology.
DSTO sponsors the Distinguished Chair to bring to Australia senior United States researchers, at professor, associate professor or equivalent level research scientist, to expand their horizons and share their knowledge and experience with their Australian colleagues.
The Distinguished Chair is a four to five month appointment at DSTO or another research institution in Australia linked to DSTO. During the appointment, the Chair will work on a specific research project in a priority area for DSTO and engage with faculty and students through guest lectures, seminars and other opportunities. A national speaking tour that is part of the program will enable additional opportunities to provide information about the research and the program.
For more details, including eligibility, contacts and a timeline for the application and scholarship process, follow the links below:
To apply
Applications must be submitted via the CIES Fulbright Distinguished Chair Awards site.
Applications are open from 1 February and close 1 August 2014.