Defence Scientists honoured for MH17 crash investigation role
Five Defence scientists have been honoured by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) for their specialist assistance during the investigation into the Malaysian Airlines MH17 disaster over the Ukraine, resulting in the loss of 38 Australian lives in July 2014.
The team’s valued efforts were recognised recently by AFP Commissioner Andrew Colvin when he presented a Commissioner’s Certificate to DST Group scientists Dale Quinn, Jeremy Anderson, Kelvin Bramley, Mike Grant and Russell Connell.
The DST team was called together at short notice to join the Australian Government’s initial response after an AFP request for specialist assistance at the crash site in the Ukraine.
The scientists worked with investigators and forensic specialists to help analyse the wreckage debris field and gather information that might characterise specific damage from a surface-to-air missile strike. The multi-disciplinary team was able to respond within 24 hours and follow-up with additional information.
Team member Jeremy Anderson explained that DST was uniquely positioned to support the difficult initial recovery and investigation tasks, “due to our deep scientific knowledge and experience in weapons systems and warhead impact effects.”
In support of the international investigation, led by the Netherlands authorities, the AFP also engaged DST in the development of a subsequent work program, now nearing completion, as part of Australia’s contribution to the investigation.