Future Land Force Conference 2016: Early bird registration closes 1 August
Early bird registration for the Future Land Force Conference 2016 closes on Monday 1 August.
The second biennial Future Land Force Conference, organised by the Defence Science and Technology Group, will be held on 5 – 7 September 2016 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.
The conference provides a unique opportunity for leading Army officers, Defence researchers, industry professionals and academics to focus on delivering the best possible outcomes to our land force through science, technology and innovation.
The aim this year is to focus on delivering world-leading innovation to our Land Forces, with an impressive list of overseas and Australian speakers already on the conference program.
Your registration fee entitles you to the following:
- All Future Land Force Conference 2016 sessions, held in the upper level City Conference rooms 1-3
- Satchel and all official documentation
- Attendance at the Future Land Force Conference 2016 Dinner on Monday 5 September 2016
- Morning Tea and Afternoon Tea daily
- Lunch daily
- Free entry to the LAND FORCES 2016 exposition
- Access to networking functions, provided on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the Exhibition halls as part of the LAND FORCES 2016 exposition.
For further information including details on how to register please head to the Future Land Force Conference 2016 website.