Shaping Defence Science in the Land Domain 2016-2036
Shaping Defence Science and Technology in the Land Domain 2016-2036 is the inaugural Defence Land Science and Technology (S&T) strategy.
Shaping Defence Science and Technology in the Land Domain 2016-2036 was launched on Monday 5 September by the Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Angus Campbell and Chief Defence Scientist, Dr Alex Zelinsky during the Future Land Force Conference.
The document articulates the S&T capabilities and priorities required to implement the modernisation strategy for Army.
It also looks to S&T requirements aimed at sustaining the current force. It sets out all needs, ranging from operations support and current force sustainment activities to far-future needs, thus articulates all S&T needs in the Land Domain.
The strategy is now available: Shaping Defence Science in the Land Domain 2016-2036.