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Shaping Defence Science in the Land Domain 2016-2036

5 September 2016
Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Angus Campbell and Chief Defence Scientist, Dr Alex Zelinsky launch the new strategy during Future Land Force Conference 2016.
Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Angus Campbell and Chief Defence Scientist, Dr Alex Zelinsky launch the new strategy during Future Land Force Conference 2016.

Shaping Defence Science and Technology in the Land Domain 2016-2036 is the inaugural Defence Land Science and Technology (S&T) strategy.

Shaping Defence Science and Technology in the Land Domain 2016-2036  was launched on Monday 5 September by the Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Angus Campbell and Chief Defence Scientist, Dr Alex Zelinsky during the Future Land Force Conference.

The document articulates the S&T capabilities and priorities required to implement the modernisation strategy for Army.

It also looks to S&T requirements aimed at sustaining the current force. It sets out all needs, ranging from operations support and current force sustainment activities to far-future needs, thus articulates all S&T needs in the Land Domain.   

The strategy is now available: Shaping Defence Science in the Land Domain 2016-2036.