Technological edge for Defence in DefendTex partnership
Defence will invest in research into energetic materials and systems in a collaboration agreement announced today by the Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, which will help build Australian industry capability in the small business sector.
Defence Science and Technology (DST) and DefendTex signed a 30‑month agreement today for research into energetic materials and systems.
Minister Pyne said through this new agreement signed in Adelaide, new technologies will be investigated for high performance solid rocket propellants, as well as new systems for delivery of weapons, giving Defence the technological edge for the future.
“Our small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are key to building Australia’s sovereign industry capability through innovation and I welcome this new agreement with DefendTex,” Minister Pyne said.
“Partnerships with SMEs like DefendTex offer new opportunities for Defence to draw on the untapped expertise of the small business sector.
“The agreement also involves a staff exchange and secondment program that will help industry skilling by sharing knowledge and expertise.”
DefendTex is an Australian owned engineering company based in Melbourne that carries out research and development in weapons systems with Australian and international partners, including universities and Cooperative Research Centres.
Partnerships Week is an annual external engagement event open to invited representatives from industry, academia, research agencies, Defence and stakeholders from the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics community.
DST Group also leads the $730 million Next Generation Technologies Fund which complements the Defence Innovation Hub launched last year, as the core of the new Defence Innovation System outlined in the Defence Industry Policy Statement.
These two signature innovation research and development programs, together with the Centre for Defence Industry Capability, deliver on the Government’s $1.6 billion commitment to grow Australia's defence industry and innovation sector.