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A Joint Effort: collaboration space

15 August 2019
The Next Generations Fund and Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is anticipating the launch of 'A Joint Effort' Stage 2 competition later this year.
It is anticipated that Stage 2 of ‘A Joint Effort’ competition will launch later this year.

The Next Generation Technologies Fund and UK's Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is anticipating the launch of 'A Joint Effort' Stage 2 competition later this year.

It is anticipated that Stage 2 of ‘A Joint Effort’ competition will launch later this year. This Next Generation Technologies Fund and Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) competition is looking for innovative joining technologies that enable the use of advanced materials and/or designs on military platforms in land, sea and air environments.

We are keen to encourage potential participants to collaborate in the next stage to strengthen bids. In order to help facilitate this we have set up a closed LinkedIn group to allow current participants and those interested in applying to Stage 2 (either independently or as a consortia with successful Stage 1 participants) to interact, get to know each other and form mutually beneficial collaborations. If you are interested in applying to join the group, please fill out this Joint Effort Collaboration Form (MS Word Document, 15.7KB) and return to .

Stage 1 of ‘A Joint Effort’ launched in November 2018 as a parallel call between Australia (Defence Science and Technology Group, Next Generation Technologies Fund and Small Business Innovation Research for Defence) and the UK (Materials for Strategic Advantage programme within the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory) and was managed by both DSTG/SBIRD and DASA.

Many different materials are within scope, including joining combinations of composites, metals, ceramics and polymers. Potential joining solutions should provide enhanced capability through one of the following:

  • improved performance through use of new material combinations or structural designs
  • improved durability of structures through better joints
  • improved ability to maintain joints through the life of the military platform