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Generations of Inspiration on International Women’s Day

5 March 2021

'This International Women's Day, and every day, I look up to my mum as a source of inspiration.'

2020 Defence Graduate Nicole Yuen grew up in Hong Kong surrounded by strong women.

‘Pen in one hand, newborn baby in the other, my mum studied for her Law exams at age 37. It set an incredible precedent for me growing up.’

This year’s 2021 International Women’s Day theme celebrates the tremendous efforts by women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

‘I’d like to dedicate this story to all women, like my mum, who have lit a candle and shown us the way, empowering us to have a career and a family at the same time.’

‘Because of them, we have the strength to press on for progress.’

Nicole grew up in Hong Kong and moved to Canberra to study a Bachelor of Science at the Australian National University.

Defence scientists checking sensors fitted to the Defence Experimentation Airborne Platform.

After completing her Honours, majoring in physics and mathematics, she was offered a graduate position with the Department of Defence.

Her rotations within the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) led Nicole to a secondment with the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing at the University of Adelaide.

'DSTG offers such a diversity of experiences.'

‘If you have the passion to seek those opportunities out and are able to show your commitment, you are sure to find work that you love doing.’

Nicole now works as part of a team that facilitates continuous improvement and co-design of DSTG’s future and is passionate about fostering true collaboration within Australia’s expert science and technology ecosystem.

For more information on the Defence Graduate Program, click here.