Armidale Patrol Boat Replacement
The SEA1179 Phase 2A Patrol Boat Replacement (PB-R) is a high priority project that is seeking to replace the current Armidale Class Patrol Boats (ACPB) with a proven design, but locally constructured vessel that will retain the patrol capability of the existing fleet but also overcome key capability short falls.
The feasibility of incorporating an organic unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capability is also to be investigated.
DST Group will support the Project through studies and technical risk assessments for both First and Second Pass. This includes:
- a ship crewing study to help the crew size needed to best operate the patrol boat replacements
- a fleet availability study to help establish the effect of different crewing models on fleet availability and the corresponding size of the fleet needed to deliver the required patrol 'sea days'
- a study to analyse data from the electronic chart precise integrated navigation system (ECPINS) navigation system to improve understanding of the ways in which the patrol fleet is operated and to supplement other data from the DST hull monitoring system on-board HMAS Glenelg
- advice for development of requirements for the PB-R across a range of issues such as environmental compliance, ship survivability, structural loading and monitoring and the feasibility of operating UAVs and other offboard systems.