Hyperspectral imaging

DST Group's Jackie Craig conducting hyperspectral research

Hyperspectral imaging divides optical and infrared images into hundreds of spectral bands.

The human eye by comparison detects just three bands – red, green and blue/violet, which together make the colours humans perceive.

The enhanced detail from hyperspectral detectors provides fine grain information that can be used to differentiate and classify materials. The technology has broad application in remote sensing for challenges such as mineral exploration, agriculture and environmental management. In Defence, hyperspectral imaging can be used for surveillance and reconnaissance against difficult-to-detect targets.

DST Group conducts collaborative trials with international partners to collect and analyse high fidelity hyperspectral information from airborne and ground based sensors. The results quantify the usefulness of this technology in a variety of surveillance scenarios and assists in identifying high payoff areas requiring further research and development.

The experience and knowledge gained underpins DST's advice to Defence in the exploitation of this unique sensing technique.

Key information

  • Hyperspectral Imaging;
  • Infrared Images
  • Optics
  • Surveillance and Reconnaissance