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Strategy | Outstanding research infrastructure powering innovation

Providing the necessary physical and digital research environments, building Defence precincts and embracing opportunities to share infrastructure.

The Outstanding research infrastructure powering innovation pillar will ensure that the necessary research infrastructure is available to support delivery of S&T outcomes.

Flexible, safe and secure research infrastructure will be used to streamline collaboration with our S&T partners, both domestically and internationally. Defence will work with partners across the defence S&T enterprise to ensure access to the physical, digital and information research infrastructure required to maintain and deliver current and future capabilities.

We will explore opportunities to partner with and share capital intensive, high quality research infrastructure to support the distinctive needs of the defence S&T enterprise. We will do this by:

  • Ensuring we are embedded, as leaders, in innovation precincts across Australia to foster closer relationships with industry and academia.
  • Providing access to highly capable and secure research infrastructure to support the needs of the defence S&T enterprise.
  • Improving national self-reliance on critical sovereign S&T capabilities.
  • Fostering stronger and more focussed alliances with universities and industry.

Key information

Lead DST Chief

Mark Bazzacco
Chief Research Services Division

Pillar Leads

Physical Infrastructure

Mr Stuart Henry

Executive Director Research Operations Branch
Research Services Division

Digital Infrastructure

Mr Jeremy Campbell-Hand

Program Leader Digital Science
Research Services Division

Physical Infrastructure

Digital Infrastructure