STEM Careers | Jermaine Guglielmi - Radar Signature Specialist

Jermaine Guglielmi

Becoming a Radar Signature Specialist with Defence enabled Jermaine to combine his childhood dream of joining the Army, with his strong passion for science.

Jermaine is the first to admit that he wasn’t the best student at school. However, the university environment suited him far better and he went on to complete an honours degree in science, majoring in physics, with a particular focus on astronomy and astrophysics.

Jermaine joined DSTG through the STEM Cadetship Program and is now a radar signature specialist working as part of a team to enhance the stealth of Australia’s military planes, ships, vehicles and understand any potential vulnerabilities.

One of the things Jermaine loves about his job is the flexibility.

‘Being able to work my own hours allows me to still have plenty of time to do everything I enjoy outside of work and keep working at my best.

‘The flexibility has allowed me to take up a part-time role in the Army as an Infantry Soldier. My supervisors have been very supportive whenever I need to take time off to take part in any Army activities.’

For Jermaine, being able to contribute to Australia’s Defence capabilities is something that he has always been passionate about and his role at DSTG allows him to do just that.