STEM Careers | Maggie Tong - Capability Analyst

Maggie Tong

Armed with a science degree, Sydney University alumna Maggie is helping Defence make better decisions about future capability by investigating new technologies and how best to use them.

In her role, Maggie brings together the experience of Defence stakeholders, the knowledge of technical experts, and the rigour of mathematical and computer modelling to analyse how emerging technologies and concepts might enhance future Defence capability.

At school Maggie leaned towards STEM subjects; advanced maths, physics and chemistry – a pattern that continued through university where she majored in chemistry and maths. She came to Defence through the Research and Innovation stream of the Defence Graduate Program.

‘The graduate program is a great way to join the organisation. Not only do you get to join with a cohort of other graduates, but you can also do a rotation in a different area. During my rotation, I went on a field trip to the middle of the outback to set up some radar experiments: that’s not an experience you can get in a typical workplace. ’

For Maggie, the best thing about her job is working with a range of experts in different technology areas to solve interesting problems.

‘Having exposure to some of the brightest minds in a field is really inspiring. I’ve learnt so much from the people around me. ’

She also loves the work-life balance that she has working at DSTG.