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STEM Careers | Rob Patterson - Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officer

Rob Patterson

Having graduated from Queensland University of Technology with a Mechatronics Engineering Degree, Rob now manages future trades people in Defence whilst they undergo military and technical trade training.

At school Rob leaned towards STEM subjects; maths, physics, chemistry and biology – which helped spark an interest in engineering and robotics that continued through into university where he majored in robotics.

Rob joined Defence through the direct entry program for Specialist Service Officers after completing his degree and working within civilian industry for two years.

'The Specialist Service Officers program allows you to get straight into the job and learn on the go. You'll get the opportunity to meet other people from all walks of life, and create your network with other graduates.'

'I love the ability to get out and about regularly, and that every day brings a new challenge. The army offers opportunities to try things that you would never see in other industries.'