Corporate document | Forward 2035: DSTO Foresight Study
Forward 2035 represents the findings of a foresight study examining emerging trends in the wider socio-economic and strategic global factors that shape the long-term future and impact science and technology (S&T) developments.
This study examined a range of global trends and identified four major implications for Australian Defence and its S&T. The following implications are presented as four stories that are set in the 2035 timeframe and focus around complexity, change, opportunity and demands. These four stories have implications for future defence capability and will influence the development of the next White Paper. They include:
- Mastering Complexity
- Technology Trust
- Smart Power; and
- Innovation Enterprise
In February/March 2014, DSTO invited constructive comments on early observations of the study.
The final report was released by Chief Defence Science Dr Alex Zelinsky in October 2014.
For more on the early stages of the study, see the presentation - Shaping Australia's Defence Future: DSTO's Strategic Foresight Report 2014 - presented by Dr Alex Zelinsky at the 2014 Australian Defence Magazine Congress.