Emerging futures
DSTG conducts horizon scanning to gain knowledge and understanding of emerging science and technology (S&T) areas across a broad spectrum over a ten to twenty year horizon.
We also undertake analysis activities to determine how advancement of these technologies could result in emerging threats or the realisation of critical defence and national security capabilities. The outcome of our emerging science programs inform longer-term investment in our strategic research program.
It is critical to invest in studying emerging S&T areas in order to position Defence and national security agencies to exploit future opportunities and prevent strategic surprises.
Through our combination of extensive multidisciplinary technology, systems and domain expertise, we are positioned to credibly integrate knowledge gained from horizon scanning. Our enduring links with the broader science and technology community enable us to access information and we have the domain knowledge to give the Defence context.
Fibre laser technology
In 2006, DSTG researchers envisaged the potential gains in fibre laser technology over solid state lasers. This change in direction has led to world-leading capabilities demonstrated by DSTG in the area of high-power lasers.
We provide technical analysis of possible capability trajectories based on knowledge of current technology trends. This is used to identify the required performance parameters and design of future systems.