This report outlines experimental testing of a generic submarine model in its low speed wind tunnel, aimed at gathering steady-state aerodynamic force and moment data, and to investigate the flow-field characteristics on and around the bare-hull.
Scientific publications

Our scientific output includes report literature
Our scientific and technical publications are an important vehicle for the dissemination of our work.
We have several goals for our publications:
- To communicate the results of the research program to clients and fulfil our reporting responsibilities to the Department of Defence.
- To record the results of our research program.
- To communicate the results of scientific research and technical information to Australian industry and academia.
- To increase awareness of and enhance the reputation of DSTG.
For enquiries about science and technical publications, or to request a publication please contact qfgt.erfrnepu.choyvpngvbaf@qrsrapr.tbi.nh
Latest scientific publications

Technical report
This report describes a bi-axial approach that represents a significant advancement in vibration energy harvesting (VEH), specifically the approach increases the operational directionality from single-axis to 360 degrees in a plane.

Technical note
Computational Red Teaming describes the application of new and innovative analytic techniques, tools and methodologies in support of Red Teaming activities. A framework of three key activities: Information Management; Conduct and Execution; and Scrutiny and Analysis; is developed and decomposed into constituent functions for analysis.

Technical report
This report discusses improved CTH hydrocode modelling of ejecta (soil, sand etc) from detonation of buried explosive devices using two phase material model.

General document
A novel analogue FM ship-to-shore communications system was used to demonstrate video and bidirectional audio transmission up to 3km.

Technical note
A small scale drop tower arrangement was used to simulate the dynamics of a practice torpedo impacting a submarine’s pressure hull.

Technical note
An anthropometric specification which describes the "hard to fit" members of the Army population has been developed. This specification can be used to inform the anthropometric fit aspects of new vehicle acquisitions and any upgrades of existing vehicles.

Technical note
This report explores alternative combat ration pack (CRP) configurations and surveys the views of military personnel likely to use them.

Technical note
This document provides guidance on the specification of open systems for acquisition.

Technical note
A simulation trial was conducted to test the connectivity between the two heterogeneous software systems that were part of a cooperative Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Demonstration being undertaken by the Australian and Singaporean defence science agencies.