The F-111 Adhesive Bonded Repair Assessment Program (FABRAP) was created to generate statistically valid data regarding the efficacy of the tap-test as a non-destructive-inspection technique and the environmental durability of adhesive bonds. In FABRAP Phase I Testing, over 300 repairs were tap tested and 820 residual strength tests conducted using a pneumatic adhesion tensile testing instrument. This report details the FABRAP process and summarises the results from the Phase I testing.
Scientific publications

Our scientific output includes report literature
In this section...
- Scientific publications
- 16th International Command and Control Research Technology Symposium (ICCRTS) June 2011 Overseas Visit Report
- A Comparison of Civil and Military, European and United States Regs and Standards for the Certification of Helicopter Structure
- A Comparison of the Decision Ladder Template and the Recognition-Primed Decision Model
- A Demonstration using Low-kt Fatigue Specimens of a Method for Predicting the Fatigue Behaviour of Corroded Aircraft Components
- A Description of a New Model of Sporadic E for JORN
- A Formal Integrity Framework with Application to a Secure Information ATM (SIATM)
- A Framework to Support S&T Planning for Royal Australian Navy Capability Acquisition
- A Guide to the DST Airglow Database
- A High Performance Active Antenna for the High Frequency Band
- A History of Jaca’s Progress to a Field Programmable Gate Array
- A Method for Ethical AI in Defence
- A Parametric Model of the Ionospheric Electron Density Profile for JORN
- A Power Series Expansion of Feature Importance
- A Preliminary Anthropometry Standard for Australian Army Equipment Evaluation
- A Qualitative Evaluation of Several Ration Concepts in a Field Setting
- A Review of Machine Learning in Software Vulnerability Research
- A Review of Software Tools to Support Analysis of Army Readiness and Sustainability
- A Review of Sparsity-Based Methods for Analysing Radar Returns from Helicopter Rotor Blades
- A Review of the Soldier's Equipment Burden
- A Revised Maritime Physical Accommodation Guidance for the Royal Australian Navy
- A Ship Performance Modelling and Simulation Framework to Support Design Decisions throughout the Capability Life Cycle: Part 1 – Risk Mitigation and Requirement Setting
- A Simple Handbook for Non-Traditional Red Teaming
- A Spoken Dialogue System for Command and Control
- A Study of Condition Based Maintenance for Land Force Vehicles
- A Study of Relativistic Bounds on Clock Synchronisation on Earth
- A System-of-Systems Engineering Approach for Australian Land Force Capability Integration
- A Systems Thinking Approach to Engineering Challenges of Military Systems-of-Systems
- ADF Educators Guide to Healthy Eating (ADF EDGE)
- Advanced Materials and Manufacturing – Implications for Defence to 2040
- Adversarial Machine Learning for Cyber Security: NGTF Project Scoping Study
- An Assessment of the Usefulness of Water Tunnels for Aerodynamic Investigations
- An Azimuth Elevation Survey of DST Group Edinburgh 71 Labs Platform
- An Evidential Network Approach Applied to Threat Evaluation in Above Water Warfare
- An Investigation into Performance Modelling of a Small Gas Turbine Engine
- An Investigation into RAN Ship Structural Life-of-Type Management without Hull Monitoring Systems
- An Investigation into the Possibility of Numerical Ephemeris Extension for GPS
- An Investigation into the Possibility of Numerical Ephemeris Extension for GPS
- An overview of signal provessing for arrays of receivers
- Anthropometric Manikins for the Design and Evaluation of Soldier Equipment
- Application of Quantitative Phosphorous Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Chemical Warfare Agents
- Application of Quantitative Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Chemical Warfare Agents
- Approaches to Open Technology Systems Specification
- Army Sustainability Modelling Analysis and Reporting Tool (A-SMART) Prototype: Model Description and Algorithms
- Assessing the use of Low Voltage UV-light Emitting Miniature LEDs for Marine Biofouling Control
- Assessment of Governor Control Parameter Settings of a Submarine Diesel Engine
- Asymptotic Distribution of Rewards Accumulated by Alternating Renewal Processes
- Australian Defence Force Anthropometry: A Summary of Historic Surveys
- Automated and Autonomous Systems for Combat Service Support: Scoping Study and Technology Prioritisation
- Bayesian Modelling of Network Traffic Metadata using Dirichlet Multinomial Mixtures
- Benchmarking the AMC Cavitation Tunnel for Hydrodynamic Measurements on Submarine Models with CFD Determined Blockage Corrections
- Beta Factors for Collinear Asymmetrical Cracks Emanating from an Offset Circular Hole in a Rectangular Plate
- Bi-axial Vibration Energy Harvesting
- Bistatic Radar Concept Demonstrator (BiRCD) System Development and Verification
- Bubble Cloud Generation by an Airgun: Laboratory Experiments and Modelling
- Building Trusted Reference Information at the Tactical Edge
- CTH Implementation of a Two-Phase Material Model With Damage
- CTH Implementation of a Two-Phase Material Model With Strength: Application to Porous Materials
- Calculation of High Frequency Land Backscatter Coefficients
- Calculation of High Frequency Land Backscatter Coefficients
- Calibration of the DST Group Research Wind Tunnel Pressure Rings
- Calm Water Resistance of a 1:25 Scale Model of the Armidale Class Patrol Boat
- Cards Reference Manual
- Case Study: A Method for Ethical AI in Defence Applied to an Envisioned Tactical Command and Control System
- Challenges and Opportunities in Information Security
- Changing Coordinates in the Context of Orbital Mechanics
- Characterisation and Next-generation Sequencing Analysis of Unknown Arboviruses
- Characterisation and Next-generation Sequencing Analysis of Unknown Arboviruses
- Characterisation of DST Delay Trigger Units
- Characterisation of Dirt, Dust and Volcanic Ash: A Study on the Potential for Gas Turbine Engine Degradation
- Characterisation of a Cell Culture System for Investigating Nerve Agent Neurotoxicology (Part I)
- Chemical Investigations of the Castor Bean Plant Ricinus communis
- Cognitive Work Analysis Beyond Human Factors and Engineering: Application to Military Doctrine and Strategy Development
- Cognitive Work Analysis: Foundations, Extensions, and Challenges
- Comparative Field Evaluation of the In-service and Prototype Modular Mission Adaptive Combat Ration Packs
- Comparative Field Evaluation of the In-service and Prototype Modular Mission Adaptive Combat Ration Packs
- Compression of Discrete Probability Maps
- Concept Development of a Modular Automated Care Stretcher
- Condition Based Maintenance Technology Impacts Study
- Conducting Information Superiority Research in an Unclassified Surrogate Defence Environment
- Convex Relaxation Methods: A Review and Application to Sparse Radar Imaging of Rotating Targets
- Copolymer Toughening of Epoxy Resin Systems for Low Temperature Cure Bonded Composite Repair
- Covert Channels over Network Traffic: Methods, Metrics, and Mitigations
- Cross-validation is Insufficient for Model Validation
- Current Position of Equipped Anthropometric Data Research for the Australian Warfighter and Future Areas of Work – December 2016
- Decision Maker User Guide
- Deep Learning for Cyber Vulnerability Discovery: NGTF Project Scoping Study
- Defence Transonic Wind Tunnel Capability Overview
- Designing safe and effective future systems
- Detailed Complexity Proofs for the Patrol Boat Scheduling Problem with Complete Coverage
- Determination of Benzalkonium Chloride in Commercial Disinfectant Formulations by Quantitative NMR Spectroscopy
- Development of Equivalent Crack Size Distributions and a Monte Carlo Model of Fatigue in Low and High-kt Specimens
- Development of GPS Receiver Kalman Filter Algorithms for Stationary, Low-Dynamics, and High-Dynamics Applications
- Development of Photon Doppler Velocimeter for Explosives Research
- Development of a Fast Lumped Parameter Interior Ballistic Model for the Investigation of Novel Grain Geometry Performance
- Development of a Low Strain-Rate Gun Propellant Bed Compression Test and its Use in Evaluating Mechanical Response
- Development of a Thermal Wave Interferometry System for Thin-Film Characterisation
- Development of a Thermal Wave Interferometry System for Thin-Film Characterisation
- Dialogue Systems & Dialogue Management
- Discrimination between Fatigue Cracking and Mechanical Damage in Aircraft Fastener Holes by Eddy-Current Phase Rotation
- Distance Discrimination Thresholds During Flight Simulation in a Maritime Environment
- Effects of Instant Messaging on Recall During Video-Mediated Briefings
- Equivalent Crack Size Modelling of Corrosion Pitting in AA7050-T7451 and its Implications for Aircraft Structural Integrity
- Establishment of a VISAR Measurement System for Material Model Validation in DSTO
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Game-Based Training: A Controlled Study with Dismounted Infantry Teams
- Evaluation of Available Software for Reconstruction of a Structure from its Imagery
- Evaluation of a Distributed Fibre Optic Strain Sensing System for Full- Scale Fatigue Testing
- Event Sequencing for Situation Narratives
- Expressing Sensor Maturity in Terms of Information Fusion: Re-defining Non-Traditional Sensing
- F-111 Adhesive Bonded Repair Assessment Program (FABRAP) - Phase I Testing, Preliminary Results
- Face and Voice Fusion for Human Recognition in Non-controlled Environments
- Factor Screening Techniques for Combat Simulation Models
- Fatigue Crack Initiation from Pitting Introduced during the Anodising Process
- Finite Element Modelling of Heat Exchange with Thermal Radiation
- Fit-for-Purpose Visualisation of Architecture to support Defence Capability Decision-Making
- Flow Visualisation Around a Hemispherical Protuberance in the DST Group Water Tunnel
- ForceViewer: A Starting Point Force Tool
- Forensic (Facial) Comparison: Linking the Science and the Practice - Course Overview and Evaluation
- Future Proofing Computational Red Teaming
- Generating Correlated Gamma Sequences for Sea-Clutter
- Globally Optimal Path Planning with Anisotropic Running Costs
- Guide on the Effective Block Approach for the Fatigue Life Assessment of Metallic Structures
- Guidelines for Interpretation of Published Data on Probability of Detection for Nondestructive Testing
- Helicopter Transmission Oil Discolouration
- High Range Resolution Backscatter Sounder Ionograms
- Horizon Scan of Emerging Technologies and Trends for ADF Combat Service Support 2016
- Implementation of the Scale Invariant Feature Transform Algorithm in MATLAB®
- Improvements to Filter Debris Analysis in Aviation Propulsion Systems
- In-water Treatment of Biofouling in Internal Systems: Field Validation of Quaternary Ammonium Compound Chemical Treatments
- Integrated Navigation, Guidance, and Control of Missile Systems: 2-D Dynamic Models
- Integrated Navigation, Guidance, and Control of Missile Systems: 3-D Dynamic Model
- Investigation of Stress Intensity Factor for Overloaded Holes and Cold-Expanded Holes
- Investigation of the ElectroPuls E3000 Test Machine for Fatigue Testing of Structural Materials
- KGRAPH – Interactive Plotting and Analysis
- LAND 121 Lightweight Vehicle Driver Conversion Course Study Using A-SMART
- Land 125 – Power Technologies Review
- Literature Review on Mental Models and Linear Separability
- Load Carriage Capacity of the Dismounted Combatant- A Commander's Guide
- Logic Assumptions and Risks Framework Applied to Defence Campaign Planning and Evaluation
- MIMO for Satellite Communication Systems
- Magnetic signatures of spherical bodies in Earth’s magnetic field — a comparison of analytical and finite element analysis solutions
- Maritime Laser Communications Trial 98152-19703
- Measurement of intracellular cAMP using a BRET biosensor
- Mechanical Testing of Helicopter Underslung Load Equipment (HUSLE) Roundslings
- Methods of Designing and Feeding Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic Slotted Waveguide Antenna Arrays
- Mobile Agents for Battlespace Information Exchange
- Modelling Australian Red Brick and Bluestone Walls in VAPO
- Modelling Complex Warfighting (MCW) Research Agenda
- Modelling Human Attributes in Autonomous Systems Operations
- Modelling a C-Band Space Surveillance Radar using Systems Tool Kit
- Modelling of a Bi-axial Vibration Energy Harvester
- Monitoring of Viral-Induced Cell Death Using Real-Time Cell Analysis
- Moving Forward with Computational Red Teaming
- Net Warrior D10 Technology Report: Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) and Data Link Nodes
- New Paths from Sensor to Shooter: How Digitization can Change the Formability and Topology of Information Flows in Systems that Acquire and Prosecute Targets
- Numerical Algorithms for the Analysis of Expert Opinions Elicited in Text Format
- On Alternative Formulations for Linearised Miss Distance Analysis
- On the Use of Vectors, Reference Frames, and Coordinate Systems in Aerospace Analysis
- Optimal Detection in the K-Distributed Clutter Environment -- Non-Coherent Radar Processing
- Optoelectronic Assessment of the Estimote Location Beacon
- Phase I Experimental Testing of a Generic Submarine Model in the DSTO Low Speed Wind Tunnel
- Potential Performance Criteria for Combat Ration Packs - Colour
- Predicting Trends in Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Preliminary Anthropometric Specification for Land Vehicles
- Preliminary Investigation of Standoff Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Metallic Samples
- Prevalence, Predictors and Extent of Dietary and Nutritional Supplement Use in the Australian Army
- Preventing and Profiling Malicious Insider Attacks
- Proceedings of the 2012 Model-Based Systems Engineering Symposium, 27 - 28 November 2012, DSTO Edinburgh, South Australia
- Quality Assurance of Current Combat Ration Pack Components: 12 Months Progress Report on 2010/11 Ration Packing Program
- Quality Assurance of Current Combat Ration Pack Components: 2009/10 Submission
- Quality Assurance of Current Combat Ration Pack Components: 2009/10 Submission
- Quality Assurance of Current Combat Ration Pack Components: 2009/10 Submission
- Quality Evaluation of Dried Soup Mix Packaging
- Quality Evaluation of Dried Soup Mix Packaging
- RTM322 Engine Bearing Red Substance Contamination and Corrosion Investigation
- Radar Detection of Helicopters at low SNR using Time-Frequency Transforms
- Rapid solution of the Schrödinger equation: Towards a study of the utility of the Bohm filter
- Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence and their Impact on Defence
- Recommendations for Collective Training for the Battle Management System
- Refinement of Out of Circularity and Thickness Measurements of a Cylinder for Finite Element Analysis
- Reliability Engineering for Service Oriented Architecture
- Reliability Engineering for Service Oriented Architectures
- Research Notes – An Introduction to Openness and Evolvability Assessment
- Research Notes – Openness and Evolvability – Documentation Quality Assessment
- Research Notes – Openness and Evolvability – Interface Assessment
- Research Notes – Openness and Evolvability – Legal Assessment
- Research Notes – Openness and Evolvability – Standards Assessment
- Retrogression and Re-Ageing In-Service Demonstrator Reliability Trials: Stage III Component Test Report
- Retrogression and Re-Ageing In-Service Demonstrator Trial: Stage II Component Test Report
- Review of Battery Technologies for Military Land Vehicles
- Review of DC Circuit Breakers for Submarine Applications
- Review of Literature on Probability of Detection for Magnetic Particle Nondestructive Testing
- Review of Solid Propellant Ignition Models Relative to the Interior Ballistic Modelling of Gun Systems
- Revised Anthropometry Guidance for the Royal Australian Navy
- Sea-Spike Detection in High Grazing Angle X-band Sea-Clutter
- Semi-Autonomous Combat Team Dismounted Infantry 2030 Concept
- Signal Separation Of Helicopter Radar Returns Using Wavelet-Based Sparse Signal Optimisation
- Simulation Trial Results for the Cooperative Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Demonstration (SA15)
- Small Scale Drop Tower Test for Practice Torpedo Impact Modelling
- Sparse Reconstruction of a Scene and Camera Poses from the Scene Images with MATLAB<sup>®</sup>
- Speeding Up Phi*: Refined Foundations for Dynamic Path Planning at Any Angle
- State-by-State Comparison of the Body Size of Young Australian Adults
- Static Check-Calibration of a Dynamic Pressure Measurement System: Serial Numbers DPM1201 and DPM1203
- Strong Magnetic Field Characterisation
- Summary of Propulsion Technologies: Enabling Sovereign Responsive Access to Space for the Australian Defence Force
- Summer Vacation Placement LD04: Investigating the Utility of Augmented Reality for Land Logistics
- Survivability of a Propellant Fire inside a Simulated Military Vehicle Crew Compartment: Part 1 - Baseline Study
- Symposium on Model-Based Systems Engineering Proceedings, Held 24th - 25th October 2011, DSTO Edinburgh
- Target Plate Deformation Time-History from a Detonating Buried Charge in Various Sand Media
- Testing the Shapes Vector derived UniSec Ontology in OWL using Protégé and Pellet
- Text Classification of Network Intrusion Alerts to Enhance Cyber Situation Awareness and Automate Alert Triage
- The Application of Work Domain Analysis to Defining Australia’s Air Combat Capability
- The Centre for Food Innovation - Research Areas and Potential Projects
- The Estimation of Uncertainty in Theoretical Corrections to Unsteady Pressure Measurements through Tubes
- The Mechanical Metallurgy of Armour Steels
- The Operationalisation of Agent Transparency and Evidence for Its Impact on Key Human-Autonomy Teaming Variables
- The Radiation Patterns of Circular Apertures
- The Vital Planning and Analysis (ViPA) ORBAT Data Service Architecture and Design Overview
- The Whipping Response of a Submerged Platform Subjected to Near-field, Non-Contact Underwater Explosions
- This technical note considers a sensor that alternates randomly between working and broken versus a target that reluctantly gives away glimpses as a homogenous Poisson process.
- Thoraco-abdominal Organ Locations: Variations due to Breathing and Posture and Implications for Body Armour Coverage Assessments
- Threat Modelling Adobe PDF
- Towards an Evaluation of Air Surveillance Track Clustering Algorithms via External Cluster Quality Measures
- Travelling Wave Excitation System Verification through Mistuned Blisk Analysis
- Uniform Calibration of Anomaly Detectors with Multiple Sub-Classes for Robust Performance
- Usability of a Battle Management System Under Simulated Vehicular Motion
- Using Mobile Platforms for Sensitive Government Business
- Validation of a Pressed Pentolite Donor for the Large Scale Gap Test (LGST) at DSTO
- Variable Discretisation for Anomaly Detection using Bayesian Networks
- Variable Discretisation for Anomaly Detection using Bayesian Networks
- Vector and Matrix Variable Definitions in DAVE-ML
- Vehicle Anthropometric Specification
- Verification of LC-MS Method Suitability for Application to OPCW Proficiency Testing
- Visualising Uncertainty for Decision Support
- Visualising Uncertainty for Decision Support
- ‘Skirmishing Mist’ Dismounted Infantry 2030 Concept
- Books and brochures
- Fact sheets
- Innovators and Aviators
- Plans, reviews and discussion papers
Our scientific and technical publications are an important vehicle for the dissemination of our work.
We have several goals for our publications:
- To communicate the results of the research program to clients and fulfil our reporting responsibilities to the Department of Defence.
- To record the results of our research program.
- To communicate the results of scientific research and technical information to Australian industry and academia.
- To increase awareness of and enhance the reputation of DSTG.
For enquiries about science and technical publications, or to request a publication please contact qfgt.erfrnepu.choyvpngvbaf@qrsrapr.tbi.nh
Latest scientific publications

Technical report
Three magnetic field sources were characterised. The sources are needed experiments investigating interactions between hot gases from a detonation and the magnetic field.

Technical report
This report compares the decision ladder template and the recognition-primed decision model in terms of five main factors.

External publication
This paper contributes to the emerging body of evidence that Cognitive Work Analysis offers an approach for analysing the work demands of future systems.

Key information
Areas of expertise
- Communications
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- Scientific Publications
- Scientific Reports
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