In this report we investigate the extent to which a high-precision clock might be able to synchronise another to its own time, when they are part of a network that requires time-stamping events to a very high precision.
Scientific publications

Our scientific and technical publications are an important vehicle for the dissemination of our work.
We have several goals for our publications:
- To communicate the results of the research program to clients and fulfil our reporting responsibilities to the Department of Defence.
- To record the results of our research program.
- To communicate the results of scientific research and technical information to Australian industry and academia.
- To increase awareness of and enhance the reputation of DSTG.
For enquiries about science and technical publications, or to request a publication please contact qfgt.erfrnepu.choyvpngvbaf@qrsrapr.tbi.nh
Latest scientific publications

In this report, the work undertaken in verifying the limit of detection (LOD) of a Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry method for application in OPCW proficiency tests is presented.

Soldiers often use supplements with the aim of helping to meet the physical and mental performance requirements of their occupation. The purpose of this study was to understand dietary and nutritional supplement use by active-duty Australian soldiers.

In this report we seek to evaluate the utility of dirichlet multinomial mixture (DMM) modelling of network metadata in roles such as source characterisation, detection of cyber security events, or volume filtering in support of same.

In this report a material model taking strength and damage accumulation into acccount is implemented in the CTH hydrocode.

In 2015 an Anthropometric Survey of the Royal Australian Navy (ASRAN) was conducted providing comprehensive digital and manual anthropometric data (body size and shape) that can be used for the design of vessels, equipment, and clothing. This document has used that data to develop evidence based human factors engineering design guidance that can be used to tailor design solutions to optimise the fit between the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) population and Her Majesty's Australian (HMA) Surface Ships and Submarines, and their systems, subsystems, and facilities.

A static check-calibration of a Turbulent Flow Instrumentation (TFI) Dynamic Pressure Measurement System (DPMS) is performed and documented in this report.

Defence experimentation brings significant value, but also significant overheads. Therefore to achieve rapid development it is important to strike a balance between working on real systems and surrogate systems (when there is a straightforward translation to Defence systems and/or scenario). The emergency services domain is one such non-Defence surrogate system offering significant potential to mitigate many of these overheads.

This report proposes an M&S framework for evaluating ship performance in support of Royal Australian Navy acquisitions.

An experimental investigation of an underwater explosion (UNDEX) induced whipping response was conducted on a submerged platform. The platform was subjected to eight near-field, non-contact UNDEX events, using two explosive charge sizes at three longitudinal positions along the hull length, coinciding with predetermined peak and node positions of the natural bending mode responses of the platform.