In this report we explore the use of sparse signal representation methods in the radar imaging problem of rotating targets and compare their results.
Scientific publications

Our scientific output includes report literature
Our scientific and technical publications are an important vehicle for the dissemination of our work.
We have several goals for our publications:
- To communicate the results of the research program to clients and fulfil our reporting responsibilities to the Department of Defence.
- To record the results of our research program.
- To communicate the results of scientific research and technical information to Australian industry and academia.
- To increase awareness of and enhance the reputation of DSTG.
For enquiries about science and technical publications, or to request a publication please contact qfgt.erfrnepu.choyvpngvbaf@qrsrapr.tbi.nh
Latest scientific publications

Technical report
Laboratory experiments in support of the development and validation of a model of bubble cloud resulting from an underwater explosion are described in this report.

Technical note
DST Group conducted tensile and dynamic testing on an expired HUSLE assembly in order to identify the mechanical properties of the roundslings.

Technical note
In this paper, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques used to automate the derivation of context from IDS alerts is described.

Technical note
This paper reports on tests conducted to validate the accuracy of Defence Science and Technology Group, Maritime Division’s Delay Trigger Units (DTUs)

Technical note
The implementation of a lumped parameter interior ballistic model that incorporates a number of grain geometry form functions for different propellant types is described in this report.

Technical report
Situation Awareness is a critical factor for decision making in complex dynamic environments. Information fusion techniques enable machines to augment human situation awareness, provided the machine representation of the situation can be conveyed to the human operator reliably. The problem, addressed in this report, is to order a set of events (a plot) in such a way as to result in a narrative which maximises audience engagement, but does not mislead with respect to the temporal relationship of significant events.

Technical report
This report presents an overview of the theoretical concepts and definitions of uncertainty, and the uncertainty visualisation techniques that have been investigated to date.

General document
This report documents the outcomes of an investigation into the utility of Augmented Reality (AR) for Land Logistics and Combat Service support, under Defence Science and Technology Group’s 2016/17 Summer Vacation Placement program.

Technical report
This study characterised a selection of dirt, dust and volcanic ash samples in order to assess their potential for causing engine degradation.