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Call for Submissions - Precision & Quantum Sensing (PQS)

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The Next Generation Technologies Fund (NGTF) seeks proposals to identify science and technology partnering opportunities in the area of Precision and Quantum Sensing.

The Next Generation Technologies Fund (NGTF) seeks proposals from academia, industry and Government-Funded Organisations (GFO) which identify and pursue PQS S&T areas critical for future Australian Defence capability. This new call seeks to build upon the successful outcomes of the first round of Quantum Research Network (QRN) investment and to identify new partnering opportunities at the intersection of quantum technology and precision sensing.

Quantum Research Network – Precision and Quantum Sensing Call

The NGTF Quantum Research Network (QRN) was established in 2018 with the goal of informing Defence of the potential benefits and practical limitations of quantum technologies in sensing and communications.

Many of the most promising recent advances in precision sensing and metrology rely on the exploitation of the quantum properties of light, matter, and their interaction. Because of this, synergies exist between precision sensing and the broader quantum technologies R&D effort. Defence recognises that continuing strategic investment is needed to help translate deep technology in precision sensing and quantum technologies from the laboratory to real-world environment.

Precision sensors play an important role in many areas of defence, from the detection of submarines to detecting hazardous chemical, biological and radiological (CBRN) signatures, to medical imaging in field hospitals, to precision navigation in GPS-denied environments. In More Together. Defence Science and Technology Strategy 2030, launched in May 2020, DST announced 8 ambitious Science Technology and Research (STaR) Shot missions to focus strategic research and proactively develop new leap-ahead Defence capabilities to deliver impact at scale. These 8 STaR Shots will shape Defence strategic research priorities for the next decade. Among these, the Remote Undersea Surveillance (RUS), Quantum Assured Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT), Resilient Multi-mission Space, and Operating in CBRN environments, will all be reliant to some degree on advances in precision sensing and quantum technologies.  The NGTF Advanced Sensors Priority Theme is particularly aligned to the RUS STaR Shot. A key priority is to build sovereign capability in strategic sensor technologies that will assist in addressing the challenge of establishing a remote undersea surveillance network.

What are the research areas?

S&T proposals are sought in the field of PQS technologies and systems, applicable to one or more of the following broad focus areas:

  1. Precision sensing for undersea surveillance (Particularly magnetic field sensing)
  2. Quantum enabled precision, navigation and timing
  3. Other applications of precision quantum sensing technologies relevant to defence innovation priorities (e.g, Enhanced Human Performance, CBRN)

It is highly desirable, though not essential, that proposed technologies demonstrate capabilities that are unique to quantum technology.

It is essential that proposals make a clear case for the potential of the proposed technology to achieve superior performance or otherwise provide an advantage, over conventional technologies in the context of at least one of the 3 application areas listed above.

Furthermore, proposals must demonstrate feasibility and indicate a realistic maturation path.

Application process

Submissions are to be made via AusTender.

Industry Briefing

DSTG will provide a research program brief to all interested parties via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 9th November 2021. This will provide an opportunity for clarifications and questions to be raised. Any further questions after this brief will need to be provided in writing with DST providing a written response that will be provided to all parties. Nominations to attend the briefing are to be forwarded in writing to the Contact Officer via email () by 8th November 2021 to be provided with a Microsoft Teams invite. For security purposes: Full Name, Organisation, Position, Mobile Telephone number, and email address of all nominated personnel are to be included at the time of nomination.

Contact Officer and RFP Inquiries

Proposers are to direct any questions or concerns regarding this RFP in writing to the Contact Officer.


Proposers may submit questions or concerns to the Contact Officer up until five working days prior to the Closing Time specified in the Tender Details Schedule.

The call for proposals is now closed.

Key information

Contact Officer and RFP Inquiries

Proposers are to direct any questions or concerns regarding this RFP in writing to the Contact Officer.

Proposers may submit questions or concerns to the Contact Officer up until five working days prior to the Closing Time specified in the Tender Details Schedule.

The call for proposals is now closed.