Defence is seeking university partners to form a Centre for Advanced Defence Research and Enterprise, specialising in CBRN-related research.
Past opportunities
We partner with the Australian science, technology and innovation eco-system, to deliver scientific advice and technology solutions for Defence and the national security community.
We have a range of mechanisms for partnering. These include the Advanced Strategic Capabilities Accelerator, the Defence Science Partnerships program, and the Defence STaR Shots program.
See some of our past partnering opportunities.
Closed oportunities
Australian universities are invited to submit proposals under the Australia-US International Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (AUSMURI) 2022 designated topics.
Applications have now closed. New Border Security and Identity Management challenges will be released in FY22-23.
Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies show promise for autonomous cyber operations (ACO), offering the potential for distributed, adaptive defensive measures at machine speed and scale.
Defence has initiated the Agile Command and Control STaR Shot program to transform how military capabilities are synthesised into a more effective and resilient force, able to operate and prevail across all levels of command, across all domains, and in all environments.
Seeking proposals for the Human Integrated Sensor System $3M Challenge
The Next Generation Technologies Fund (NGTF) seeks proposals to identify science and technology partnering opportunities in the area of Precision and Quantum Sensing.
Defence is seeking expressions of interest from Australian universities, research organisations and industry to join a community advisory group to help guide and shape research in the area of remote undersea surveillance.
Seeking members for Information Warfare Innovation Community.
D.Start Spark is looking for emerging and future technologies with the potential to provide game-changing capabilities for Australia's defence and national security.