Researchers from the Department of Defence and RMIT University have demonstrated that additive manufacturing of light-weight titanium could become a viable option for military vehicle armour.
In this section...
- News and media releases
- Advance in time-keeping clocks up Eureka win
- Fire safety scientist wins Minister's Award
- Ethical AI within Defence – is it a Goldilocks problem?
- Navigate program charts course to a stronger STEM workforce
- Teams prepare for robotics showdown in Sydney
- Technology by Land, Sea, and Sky: 2022 Maritime RobotX Challenge
- Centre for Advanced Defence Research and Enterprise launched
- The establishment of the Advanced Strategic Capabilities Accelerator
- Revolutionary stress imaging device takes out National Innovation Award
- $10 million for Defence innovation by small businesses
- $10 million to defeat improvised threats
- $10,000 Eureka Prize now open
- $25 million for Australian universities to work with top US counterparts
- $3 million research grant for Tasmanian university
- $4 million to develop soldier performance
- $50 million for industry and Defence to work together on trusted autonomous systems
- $7.2m for new food processing technology in Tasmania
- $730 Million Fund for Game-changing Defence Technologies
- 'Black Box' for soldiers to capture crucial data on the battlefield
- 'The science of fire for Defence platforms' lecture
- 2010 TTCP Award recipients
- 2011 The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP) Award recipients
- 2012 Secretary of Defence Fellowship winner announced
- 2012 The Technical Cooperation Programe (TTCP) Award recipients
- 2020 Minister's Award for Achievement in Defence Science
- 50th anniversary of Australia's first satellite
- A Joint Effort: Elevator Pitch
- A Joint Effort: collaboration space
- A Layered Approach to Stealthier Undersea Vehicles
- A NIFTI solution for RAAF
- A call to action for all cyber experts
- A career full of mystery and surprise
- A fast-acting tourniquet for Australia’s Future Soldier
- A high performance computing capability for Defence
- A mission system to explore future technologies
- A radiator for the human engine
- A shining solution wins Eureka Prize
- A six-month stint with our wind tunnel team
- AI experts called on to give Defence decision-making edge
- AI technology rises to the challenge
- AI to enable military commanders to make better decisions, faster
- AM for DST Group Aeronautical Engineer in Queen’s Birthday Honours
- ASC and DSTO join forces to support Collins Class Submarines
- Academic partner sought for space technologies symposium
- Achievement award for Defence scientist
- Additive manufacturing to impact future ballistic protection
- Addressing Australia’s electronic warfare skills shortage
- Advanced Radar Research Agreement with CEA Technologies
- Aerodynamics collaboration expands tunnel vision
- Agile Command and Control at ADSTAR
- Agreement cements DSTO and Saab Systems alliance
- Agreement leads to infinite possibilities
- Agreement to usher in enhanced security response
- Air Force helps young women soar
- Airborne sensors help build a maritime picture
- All hands on deck for paralytic toxin research
- Alliance to boost defence capability
- An exciting new take on back seat driving
- Analysing civilian injury data to enhance soldier protection
- Anne-Marie Grisogono joins Australian Research Council (ARC) College of Experts
- Annual Review Released
- Annual Review released
- Annual Review released
- Applying digital twins to the land domain
- Armour expert takes out young innovator award
- Aspiring Defence scientists gather in Adelaide
- Aspiring to the gold standard of simulation
- Assistant Innovation Minister commends research partnership
- Assistant Minister for Defence briefed on science support for national security
- Assistant Minister praises DSTO for strategy, collaboration and innovation
- Augmenting reality to make the unseen seen
- Australia and India sign Defence arrangement
- Australia and Singapore reinforce defence science and technology cooperation
- Australia and Singapore strengthen defence science cooperation
- Australia hosts NATO camouflage trial
- Australia strengthens defence science cooperation with Singapore
- Australia's space capability testing launches at Woomera
- Australian Design award for Innovative Heat Stress Monitor used by Australian war fighters
- Australian and US universities make breakthroughs in quantum computing and additively manufactured materials
- Australian and US universities to collaborate on defence research
- Australian and US universities to work together on autonomous vehicles
- Australian industry develops tool against terrorism
- Australian universities receive $5.7 million to develop game changing defence capabilities
- Australia’s AI community rises to the challenge
- Australia’s sovereign capability in space technologies heats up
- Award for hypersonics collaboration
- Awarding of inaugural Defence Innovation Scholarship
- Best paper awards presented at the Land Warfare Conference
- Bio-terrorism algorithm forecasting flu outbreaks
- Black box inventor honoured with building name
- Blast protection researcher takes out early career award
- Bold new vision for sensor and effector development
- Breaking open the science of helmet ballistic protection
- Bringing researchers together to enhance national security
- Building an Australian medical countermeasures capability
- Building smarts into drones
- Building the national medical countermeasures program
- CDS recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours
- CERA 2017 – Call for research proposals from university sector
- CSIRO and DSTO join to strengthen research capability
- CTD wins Defence Innovation Award
- Call for innovation system to support Defence capability
- Call for novel ways of integrating advanced materials onto military platforms
- Camouflage challenges in the age of drones and AI
- Can we bring artificial intelligence and machine learning to the frontline?
- Cavitation and correlation down under
- Celebration and reflection on International Women’s Day
- Chemical 'lab on a microchip' wins DSTO Eureka Prize
- Chemical analysis facility achieves expanded OPCW accreditation
- Chief Defence Scientist delivers lessons on innovation
- Chief Defence Scientist joins the conversation on cyber
- Chief Defence Scientist outlines bold vision for Defence Science
- Chief Defence Scientist recognised for excellence in leadership
- Clear lines of communication in hostile environments
- Collaborating with the US to protect our soldiers
- Collaboration to enhance electronic surveillance systems
- Combat clothing expert wins science award
- Combating IEDs with ground penetrating radars
- Combating disinformation through collaborative research
- Coming together to defend against CBRN threats
- Congress on soldier performance kicks off in Melbourne
- Construction of the Defence High Performance Computing Centre
- Cortex keeps an eye on the sky
- Countering advanced communication threats
- Cyber at the centre of Defence capability grants for Aussie small businesses
- Cyber researcher takes out Rising Star award
- Cyber team takes out three iAwards
- Cyber the early focus of new small business grant program
- DST Eureka prize winner will safeguard civilians
- DST Group at the Cutting Edge of Maritime Security
- DST Group signs up to superconducting with Siemens and QUT
- DST Group wins Best Engagement Strategy Award
- DST Group's value proposition accepted
- DST Researchers elected as ATSE Fellows
- DST apprentices are valuable assets
- DST book on MH370 launched
- DST chemist wins national achievement award
- DST continues its support of UAV Challenge
- DST driving cognitive performance research
- DST engineer takes out Defence award
- DST extends collaboration with BAE Systems
- DST extends its partnerships at Land Forces
- DST scientist receives highest honour from US Secretary of Defence
- DST thinking saves NATO trial
- DSTO Annual Review 2013-14 released
- DSTO and Airbus Group form strategic alliance
- DSTO and IBM to collaborate on cyber security research
- DSTO and Lockheed Martin in research collaboration
- DSTO and Thales Australia forge new alliance
- DSTO builds deeper linkages with industry
- DSTO collaborates to see fire through the smoke
- DSTO collaboration delivers enhancement to smart bomb technology
- DSTO demonstrates vision technology for defence vehicles
- DSTO expertise addresses IED threats
- DSTO featured in ATSE's Focus magazine
- DSTO features prominently at MAST Asia 2015
- DSTO looks forward to 2035
- DSTO scientist awarded science excellence award
- DSTO seeks views on Land Warfare Conference
- DSTO showcases defence technologies
- DSTO showcases new technologies for further development
- DSTO signs alliance with Northrop Grumman Australia
- DSTO signs strategic alliance with Bureau of Meteorology
- DSTO teams up with DSTO and UNSW for first Emerging and Disruptive Technology Assessment Symposium (EDTAS)
- DSTO to research new technology for Defence long-life foods
- DSTO welcomes new Chief Defence Scientist
- DST’s Kayla Johnson is Best Young Scientist
- Dale Lambert named as ATSE fellow
- Data fusion expert recognised for outstanding public service
- Defence COVID-19 Rapid Response Group
- Defence Fellowship to focus on oil security
- Defence Innovation 2020 goes virtual
- Defence Innovation Precinct for Tasmania
- Defence Minister approves First Pass for SEA 1397, Nulka upgrade
- Defence Minister honours top mathematician
- Defence Science – 115 years underwriting Australia’s security
- Defence Scientist Awarded Silver Medal in Signal Processing in Acoustics
- Defence Scientist Awarded for Achievements in Human Physical Performance
- Defence Scientist Wins Young Innovators Award
- Defence Scientists find Federal Parliament engagement stimulating
- Defence Scientists honoured for MH17 crash investigation role
- Defence and Health sign agreement on medical countermeasures
- Defence and RMIT to research advanced materials
- Defence and industry join forces for rapid face shield production
- Defence capabilities to benefit from strategic alliance
- Defence celebrates National Reconciliation Week
- Defence commitment to gender equity in STEM recognised
- Defence connects with innovators at the cutting edge
- Defence designs and builds drone-detection systems
- Defence designs face shield in record time
- Defence drives nationwide biotechnology alliance
- Defence envisions a high-tech future based on skilled workforce
- Defence expands research to keep troops fighting fit
- Defence funding for future-focused human performance research
- Defence helps research teams and small businesses find their place
- Defence innovation licensed to South Australian company
- Defence invests in the next generation of CBRN scientists
- Defence launches SATCOM research collaboration
- Defence launches book on Nulka missile decoy
- Defence now part of gender equity program for scientists
- Defence nutrition project to create new jobs in Scottsdale
- Defence physical employment standards on show
- Defence receives Athena SWAN Institutional Bronze award
- Defence releases report on ethical use of AI
- Defence researchers begin journey to STEM superstardom
- Defence science contributes to discovery of earlier human occupation in Australia
- Defence science early career achievers
- Defence science prize for marine acoustics expert
- Defence science secures internet transactions
- Defence scientist honoured for JSF innovation
- Defence scientist wins Minister's Award for force protection systems
- Defence scientists elected to Academy
- Defence scientists investigating flexible work arrangements
- Defence scientists receive international awards
- Defence seeks innovative concepts to enhance stealth unmanned aerial systems
- Defence shares freeze-dried food knowledge with Tasmanian industry
- Defence signs agreement with Gold Coast space company
- Defence signs research engineering contract with QinetiQ Australia
- Defence strengthens ties with university sector
- Defence studies internal Indicators of warfighter health and performance
- Defence study shows caffeine can reduce driver error
- Defence to expland research activities with Northrop Grumman
- Defence unveils Indigenous artwork
- Defence unveils new plan to maintain its capability edge
- Defence unveils supercomputing capability
- Defence wins Top Gold Award for Excellence in Public Sector Management
- Defence working in partnerships to increasing our nation’s capability footprint
- Delivering next generation technologies
- Departing chief sees bright digital science future at DSTG
- Departure of Chief Defence Scientist
- Disease forecasting system takes out National Innovation Awards
- Disease forecasting tool invaluable in COVID fight
- Doing more, together in aerial autonomy
- Eliminating the scourge of chemical weapons
- Energy-efficient and steerable antenna system wins Eureka Prize
- Enlisting cutting-edge skills to investigate an aircraft weld failure
- Essential answers to complex questions
- Essington Lewis Award for DST's radar absorbing technology
- Ethical AI for Defence: World experts gather in Canberra
- Expanding and exploiting our understanding of the ocean
- Experts explore the future of quantum computing in Defence
- Experts gather at emerging technologies symposium in Melbourne
- Explosive material processing team wins Comcare safety award
- Far-sighted computer vision research
- Fast tracking DST innovation
- Filter tool speeding up Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) aircraft maintenance
- Fire Across the Desert - Woomera's history book digital re-release
- First Defence Cooperative Research Centre formed
- First Defence Cooperative Research Centre launched
- First glimpse inside WW1 submarine wreck in Turkey
- Five-year strategic plan for Defence science
- Flexible Skeleton takes the weight off
- Flow visualisation improving future submarine research
- Follow the latest on Australian defence science with the DSTO app
- Forensic engineers ensure safe MRH90 operations
- Former astronaut to address space symposium
- From synthetic data to the world’s fastest helicopter, inventors pitch innovations to market
- Frontline soldiers benefit from Diggerworks
- Fulbright Distinguished Chair 2015-16: call for applications
- Funding boost for CBRN sensor research
- Funding for cyber technology research
- Future Land Force Conference 2016: Early bird registration closes 1 August
- Future Land Force Conference: registrations now open
- Future is bright for this laser research
- Gaming in Defence
- Gathering in Hawaii to strengthen Defence S&T collaboration
- Gender equity in Defence
- Generations of Inspiration on International Women’s Day
- Getting good results is only half the journey
- Global Hawk’s Australian touchdown – 20 years on, the impact is clear
- Global collaborations advancing miniaturised chemical simulant detection capsules
- Government invests in defence industry
- Government to consult on strengthening Australia’s defence export controls
- Great strides in gait recognition for personal identification
- Growing the network of human performance specialists
- Guiding Navy replenishment at sea
- Hawkei Army vehicle wins DST Eureka Prize
- Head protection at the heart of scientist’s research
- Healthy green shoots rising from our STEM outreach programs
- Helping pilots know up from down
- Helping the best-laid plans stay on track
- High Honour for DST Program Leader
- High achievers in Defence science recognised
- High-tech, low-light detector shows promise
- Home of the Black Box celebrates 80 years
- Honing the Hornet’s sting with science
- How Australia's harsh climate helps keep military equipment in shape
- How an algorithm protects us
- How defence scientists gave a voice to the ‘silent Anzac’
- How robots are helping scientists build the big picture across a team
- How the Falklands War gave rise to Australia’s prize defence export – after years of struggling with reluctance
- Humans, the weakest link in information security chain
- Hypersonic flight success
- ICT award for DSTO’s digital video guard
- Improved vision for facial recognition
- Improving helicopter operations
- Improving soldier cognitive performance through nutrition
- Improving target tracking
- Improving the effectiveness of missile performance
- Improving the fidelity of our virtual worlds
- Improving visual performance for the warfighter
- In the jump seat for a career in operations research
- Indigenous Youth Science Forum visits DSTO Stirling
- Industry Collaboration to strengthen Australia's Air Defence System
- Infinite Studio lifts off
- Innovation Award for conquering corrosion in Defence aircraft
- Innovation Pitchfest showcases Defence technologies
- Innovative Australian technologies to be tested on US Helicopter
- Innovative Defence imaging technology licensed to industry
- Innovative computing device wins Eureka Prize
- Innovative contributions lead to VCDF Capability Awards
- Innovative laser technology
- Inspiring a love of science in the next generation
- Integrating an air vehicle capability in the maritime environment
- International Day of Women and Girls In Science
- International defence trial earns project management award
- International recognition for DSTO scientist
- International scholarship for passive radar scientist
- Introducing SCINDICATE 2018
- Investment in Defence innovation paying off
- Israeli defence research delegation visits Australia
- JORN scientists recognised
- JSF model commissioned to study electromagnetic effects
- Jettisoning Navy’s maritime hitchhikers
- Join the future of cyber
- Joint Strike Fighter model to study electromagnetic effects
- Joint research program upgrades Super Hornet
- Joint study will improve environmental management for marine animals
- July 2019 Partnership Matters
- Keeping Defence fuel in tip-top shape
- LHD Landing Craft enhancement program wins Essington Lewis award
- Launch of More Together: Defence Science & Technology Strategy 2030
- Launch of Science and Technology Capability Portfolio
- Leaving pathogens no place to hide
- Lecture Series: Exploring Innovation in Australian Maritime Defence Science and Engineering
- Leveraging external engagement to fight cyber attacks
- Light used to protect ships and the marine environment
- Liquid lenses for better satellite monitoring
- Lockheed Martin Australia Wins Contract to Fight Improvised Threats
- Locking horns with hackers during NATO Exercise Locked Shields
- Mathematics helps composites go beyond
- Maths extending the lives of our Hornets
- Measuring resilience and what it can tell us about PTSD
- Mind games: training for peak cognitive performance
- Minehunting robots get smart
- Minister Snowdon updated on DSTO research
- Minister announces international Defence science challenge in Adelaide
- Minister recognises scientific excellence
- Minister's Award Winners: 1988-1998
- Minister's Award for world-leading data surveillance algorithm
- Minister’s Science award for command and control specialist
- Mitigating brain injury from under vehicle blasts
- Modelling complex warfighting scholarships
- Mollusc glue and magnetic nanoparticles – joint research challenge delivers promising innovations
- National Science Award For Defence Armour Expert
- National Science Award for Electronic Warfare Expert
- National Science Award for Expert in Aircraft Corrosion
- National security science and technology (S&T) discussion paper open for consultation
- New Chief Defence Scientist announced
- New Radar Absorbing Material Manufactured Locally
- New STEM graduates at DST
- New blue pigment for cool Navy coatings
- New bonding technology in the running for Eureka prize
- New coating cuts barnacle build-up to keep ships at sea longer
- New era in Defence satellite communications research
- New generation fibre laser technology for aircraft protection
- New maths regime releases our fighter jet from testing shackles
- New physical standards open paths for women in Defence
- New program to strengthen Defence research
- New research agreement to boost Next Generation Defence Technologies
- New research centre set to boost Australia’s maritime industries
- New research to protect defence aircraft
- New science and technology policy for national security
- New strategic alliance on defence technologies
- New system has a grip on improvised explosives
- New system to improve underwater acoustic research
- New workforce model builds sovereign capability in electronic warfare
- Nominate you work for the Eureka Prize 2016
- Novel approach to keep hulls free from fouling
- Novel solution increases our ventilator stockpile
- Now Hiring! Australia’s brightest Science and Technology early career researchers
- ON Prime5 is now open!
- ON Prime:Defence opens doors for researchers
- Official launch of gender equality pilot program
- One giant step for resilient tactical satellite communications
- Opportunity to participate in audit for the Medical Countermeasures Initiative
- Orchestrating threats and countermeasures for the theatre of war
- Our military might – powered by science
- Our unique radar receiver swallows the entire spectrum
- Out of the classroom, into real world cyber
- Partnering with the US to test a world without GPS
- Partnership to develop stealthy capability
- Partnership to research high speed flight
- Partnerships Week 2017
- Pearcey Medal awarded to Chief Defence Scientist
- Peter Chick wins Comcare Work Health and Safety Award
- Powering the future of submarine fleets
- Practice run for RAAF operators
- Predicting and diagnosing mental health disorders
- Predicting cracks in our ADF platforms
- Prestigious engineering award for Chief Defence Scientist
- Principal Scientist supporting best Defence outcomes
- Progress with urban autonomous vehicle flight
- Promising partnerships to enhance autonomous capabilities
- Promising progress towards hypersonic flight
- Protecting children by enhancing facial recognition
- Protecting our soldiers across the spectrum
- Protecting vehicles with water
- Pushing boundaries in vehicle blast protection
- Pushing the boundaries for battlefield forensics
- Putting our best feet forward
- QinetiQ Australia and DST Group form new Strategic Alliance
- Queen's birthday honour for laser scientist
- Queen’s Birthday honours for DST
- Quick-dry paint to improve Defence platforms
- Radar expert wins Science Achievement Award
- Raising the bar on ration pack snacks
- Ramping up individual and team performance
- Recruit hard, manage easy: A holistic approach to ensure DST hires the right people
- Redevelopment of Fishermans Bend research facility
- Redwing delivers life-saving capability to Afghanistan
- Redwing program continues to deliver life-saving technology to Afghanistan
- Redwing wins Innovation Award
- Register now for ICSILP
- Repurposing venerable models for land vehicle research
- Research Opportunity: The Fight Recorder
- Research fellow demonstrates next generation trainable radios
- Research funding to address intelligence and national security threats
- Research partnership to advance 3-D printing of energetic materials
- Revolutionary sensor brings faint objects into focus
- Revolutionising future mine countermeasure technology
- Royal Australian Navy trial Bathymetric Lidar Sensor during Exercise Sea Raider
- SCINDICATE 2019: Partnering for Impact
- SHARC satellite heads into space
- Satellite research partnership at the forefront of Australian space research
- Saving lives with STEM
- Scholarships grow Defence's talent pool
- Science awards recognise Defence physicist
- Science redefining military physical employment standards
- Scientists also serve on the frontline
- Scientists attend sea trials to better understand maritime disasters
- Scientists experience Parliament's inner workings
- Scientists provide airborne support to bushfire response
- Scientists tooling up on aircraft repairs
- Scramjet team set for SCRAMSPACE trial
- Seakeeping science makes an impact for Navy
- Secure computing device enhances productivity
- Secure military communications system wins Eureka Prize
- Seeing through smoke
- Seeking contributions to national assessment of Australia’s medical and biotech capabilities
- Seeking flight clearance for 3D-printed aerospace components
- Senior appointments at DST
- Seven new technologies to get Defence funding
- Shaping Defence Science in the Land Domain 2016-2036
- Sharing a love of STEM
- Shedding new light in many directions
- Shining a light on our maritime science at PACIFIC 2019.
- Small business has big future thanks to Defence innovation funding
- Small business helps build naval capability
- Smart communication for satellite clusters
- So, where are all the robots?
- Socio-Technical Futures Analysis - EOI Opportunity
- Sonar and acoustics expert wins science award
- South Australia's defence supercomputing centre underway
- South Australian start-up commercialises DST radar technology
- Spotting signatures in a virtual landscape
- Stealth technology expert wins Minister's Science Award
- Strategic alliance to boost defence science
- Strategic partner to fast-track space technologies
- Streamlining the vaccine rollout
- Strengthening Australia's high frequency radar capability
- Student program success for Aircraft Forensics Engineering
- Students check out cool technologies at DST Melbourne
- Students get a taste of a purposeful career in Defence
- Students present innovative ideas in Trusted Autonomy
- Study on Australia’s requirement for submarines released
- Super-efficient field trial deployment
- Superfast 3D tracking of objects helps save lives
- Supporting STEM undergraduates - everyone’s a winner
- Swarm of students energised and ready to fly
- System testing in DST’s environmental test chamber for future proofing
- Technological edge for Defence in DefendTex partnership
- Technology commercialisation award for Defence scientist
- Testing the effectiveness of camouflage
- The Australian Defence Research Special Report
- The Barra Sonobuoy: the Australian invention that makes it harder for subs to hide
- The Internet of Things: here, there and everywhere
- The answers are still blowing in the wind
- The black box that changed our lives
- The future of Defence command and control is agile
- The future of unmanned operations demonstrated at Autonomous Warrior 2018
- The human science behind our Navy ship design
- The next generation soldier – towards 2035
- The science behind smooth landings on the high seas
- The stars aligned for this DSTG scientist
- The story behind JORN - Australia's most underappreciated Defence asset?
- Through the lens: the contribution of Defence scientists to the history of optical glass in Australia
- Tool to predict acoustic signatures of Navy vessels
- Toughening up batteries from the inside out
- Towards a fully enabled future soldier
- Transformative Energetic Materials on the Horizon
- Turning up the heat! Putting protective equipment to the test
- US delegation discusses national security research with Australia
- Ultra-high-speed 3D imaging delves deeper into carbon fibre damage
- Understanding explosions on board maritime platforms
- Understanding our reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Underwater Collision Research Facility opens in Launceston
- University initiative to boost defence capability
- University students to tackle real-world defence and national security challenges
- Updated National Security Science and Technology Priorities
- Upping the IQ of Army communications
- Vale David Warren AO: 1925 - 2010
- Valuable lessons learnt in latest hypersonic flight trial
- Vehicle armour research wins DSTO Eureka Prize
- Virtual training study goes live
- Vitrimer composites - game-changing super materials?
- WA to host international space technologies symposium
- Wargames assisting the ADF plan for the future
- Water filtration analysis to help ease ADF resupply challenges
- Weapons that think and collaborate to defeat enemies
- Whales Sounds Award for Cato
- When female leaders are the norm, not the exception
- Where next for autonomy research?
- Women in STEM support hits record high
- Women in science
- Women inspired to pursue Defence careers
- World class hypersonics precinct to supercharge Australian defence research
- World-leading experiments have direct application for Defence
- Young Australian scientist cracks international award
- Young DSTO researcher wins aviation safety award
- Zenka Mathys receives PSM in Queen’s Birthday honours
- Defence scientists from five nations converge on Adelaide
- Defence remembers leading scientist, 30 years on
- Image gallery
- Videos
Read our latest news and media releases to keep track of what's happening at DSTG.
Asking the right questions in the right order to get the most out of simulations.
DSTG has partnered with South Australian electronic warfare consulting company, DEWC Services to grow the next-generation of electronic warfare (EW) specialists.
DSTG is working with South Australian start-up, RFTEQ to develop next-generation jammer technologies capable of defeating radio-controlled improvised explosive devices and other communication threats.
The Defence Science and Technology Eureka Prize for Outstanding Science in Safeguarding Australia has been awarded to the Cross Domain Desktop Compositor.
A DSTG and Western Sydney University team is a finalist in the prestigious 2021 Eureka Prize for Outstanding Science in Safeguarding Australia.
Defence has appointed inaugural members to the Operating in Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Environments (OCE) STaR Shot Advisory Council from across the national science-and-technology ecosystem.
Australian researchers are set to receive $1.34 million in funding to develop innovative sensors that detect chemical and biological threats.
The innovative Cross Domain Desktop Compositor is in the running for a Eureka Prize.
In collaboration with Flinders University and South Australian automotive business, Supashock, DSTG is exploring how digital twins can be used in the preventative maintenance and condition monitoring of military land vehicles.